Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hellgate tennis coach resigns; assistants fired for drinking around students

Missoulian story.

Nativeofmizoo said on: May 25, 2011, 10:27 am
District officials are straddling the fence on this one... Zero tolerance is just that, ZERO tolerance. While I agree with the premise that teaching these kids to say "NO" to drugs and alcohol is a priority, the reality is that they were driven to and from the restaurant by a bus driver, (emphasizing responsible designated driver actions) and had one beer each.
TRUE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS it seems, is to get $H*% faced and drive your boat into a rock embankment on Flathead Lake, seriously injuring one of the boat occupants. As I recall, NEITHER Rehberg, nor Barkus lost their high paying jobs over this little mishap,...And their lawyers are still making out like bandits, defending their night of FUN, but the under compensated (volunteer) coaches can get "fired" for having a beer with a meal, celebrating their players achievements.
This children, is the world you will inherit. Confused by the mixed signals???? Yeah, me too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lawsuit: Hazing bison with helicopters harmful to grizzly bears

Missoulian story.

Absaroka hunter said on: May 19, 2011, 11:58 am
Cattle are exotics. No ifs, and or buts. The dirty little secret is they brought the brucellosis that now is the straw man behind the hazing. I appreciate ranchers and hope they can stay on their land to avoid 20-acre ranchettes, but let's be honest here: Few folks suck more from the public teat than they do. They have way too much say in the way public lands are managed relative to their waning economic importance.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Leading Holocaust denier to speak in Billings

Billings Gazette story.

CaptainNoble said on: May 5, 2011, 11:09 am
Thought 1: Rather than thinking of a polital thought on a straight line, it's helpful to view it as a circle. Go far enough in either direction and you end up on the other side. Think about it.

Thought 2: The Nazis hated Communists/Communism. It is known.

Thought 3: Reading comments on the Gazette is sort of like punching oneself repeatedly. In the crotch. Except not as entertaining. Why I do it, I don't know. Maybe I hate myself.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama: Death of bin Laden a 'good day for America'

Homer said on: May 2, 2011, 12:00 pm
Obama had the balls to send Special Forces into a Muslim country to assassinate one of the most evil people in history, all unbeknownst to that country's government.

Just listened to an August 2010 Obama interview where he states when he took office bin Laden's trail had gone cold (read: Bush gave up). Obama set in motion the Special Ops program that has led to this moment. He gave the order. He followed the situation as it unfolded with real time technology. Obama came to the realization that the Pakistani government were not our allies and quit pussy-footing around with them and took matters into his own hands, something Bush was incapable of doing.

3 FACTS: 9-11 happened on Bush's watch. Zero successful terrorist attacks on Obama's watch. Obama got bin Laden.

God bless Obama.

Cane&Abel said on: May 2, 2011, 11:09 am
How sad. You would think we could take this opportunity to find a small parcel of common ground; to put aside our petty politics for second and pay homage to those who sacrificed everything for this day; to give credit where credit is due.

Instead we post crackpot conspiracy theories and partisan garbage. These Missoulian boards are truly toxic places. Beyond any economic indicator or foreign threat, the attitude of our citizenry as exemplified in this thread is what keeps me up at night. It is the only thing that can truly break this country. If the fissures get wider even after news like this, I'm afraid the fracture isn't too far down the road.

As for myself, I'd like to thank our armed forces for their sacrifices and both presidents Bush and Obama for their perserverance in accomplishing this goal. Unlike some on this board, today I am a proud American and am grateful to live in this country.