Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ellie Hill resigns as head of Poverello Center

Missoulian story.

realworld said on: July 12, 2011, 12:19 pm

Somebody's over-inflated ego is showing! Such a self-laudatory description can only be providing her own sound bite for future political ambitions. May I say "barf."

This goes a long way towards explaining why the Pov felt entitled to railroad the public with the new location for a homeless facility; and also why there was such arrogance, once the public did get on board with their own valid concerns,as to dismiss those concerns with a "you stopped this, now it's up to you to fix it" attitude. Not "I hear what you're saying--let's work together."

One hopes that under new leadership for the Pov a win-win solution can be found that takes into account that the homeless are not the only individuals to be considered. In fact, however, the homeless may be better served when the head of the facility is paying more attention to the facility than to his or her own political advancement, and when the head of the facility works with the community, not from above it.

People care. People want to help. People want a healthy community.

One hopes those poor tired arms can take a rest, what with continually wielding that lightning rod and sword. But the swelled head has got to hurt.

I mean--seriously?!?!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Credit card charges costing Missoula meter revenues

Missoulian story.

MiddleFinger said on: June 5, 2011, 9:49 pm
And I quote: "Parking director Anne Guest said she is disappointed at the low credit card use, but also surprised to see that some people are putting as little as 35 cents on plastic.
"I would no more put 35 cents on my credit card than fly to the moon," said Guest, who figured it's a generational thing."

For goodness sake! What did she thing they were going to put on their credit cards, a tip? Cash back? 10 hours of parking? The amounts drivers will put on their credits cards will be...are you listening?...exactly the same as the amount of coins they put in the meter!

Hello! Anybody in there?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hellgate tennis coach resigns; assistants fired for drinking around students

Missoulian story.

Nativeofmizoo said on: May 25, 2011, 10:27 am
District officials are straddling the fence on this one... Zero tolerance is just that, ZERO tolerance. While I agree with the premise that teaching these kids to say "NO" to drugs and alcohol is a priority, the reality is that they were driven to and from the restaurant by a bus driver, (emphasizing responsible designated driver actions) and had one beer each.
TRUE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS it seems, is to get $H*% faced and drive your boat into a rock embankment on Flathead Lake, seriously injuring one of the boat occupants. As I recall, NEITHER Rehberg, nor Barkus lost their high paying jobs over this little mishap,...And their lawyers are still making out like bandits, defending their night of FUN, but the under compensated (volunteer) coaches can get "fired" for having a beer with a meal, celebrating their players achievements.
This children, is the world you will inherit. Confused by the mixed signals???? Yeah, me too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lawsuit: Hazing bison with helicopters harmful to grizzly bears

Missoulian story.

Absaroka hunter said on: May 19, 2011, 11:58 am
Cattle are exotics. No ifs, and or buts. The dirty little secret is they brought the brucellosis that now is the straw man behind the hazing. I appreciate ranchers and hope they can stay on their land to avoid 20-acre ranchettes, but let's be honest here: Few folks suck more from the public teat than they do. They have way too much say in the way public lands are managed relative to their waning economic importance.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Leading Holocaust denier to speak in Billings

Billings Gazette story.

CaptainNoble said on: May 5, 2011, 11:09 am
Thought 1: Rather than thinking of a polital thought on a straight line, it's helpful to view it as a circle. Go far enough in either direction and you end up on the other side. Think about it.

Thought 2: The Nazis hated Communists/Communism. It is known.

Thought 3: Reading comments on the Gazette is sort of like punching oneself repeatedly. In the crotch. Except not as entertaining. Why I do it, I don't know. Maybe I hate myself.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama: Death of bin Laden a 'good day for America'

Homer said on: May 2, 2011, 12:00 pm
Obama had the balls to send Special Forces into a Muslim country to assassinate one of the most evil people in history, all unbeknownst to that country's government.

Just listened to an August 2010 Obama interview where he states when he took office bin Laden's trail had gone cold (read: Bush gave up). Obama set in motion the Special Ops program that has led to this moment. He gave the order. He followed the situation as it unfolded with real time technology. Obama came to the realization that the Pakistani government were not our allies and quit pussy-footing around with them and took matters into his own hands, something Bush was incapable of doing.

3 FACTS: 9-11 happened on Bush's watch. Zero successful terrorist attacks on Obama's watch. Obama got bin Laden.

God bless Obama.

Cane&Abel said on: May 2, 2011, 11:09 am
How sad. You would think we could take this opportunity to find a small parcel of common ground; to put aside our petty politics for second and pay homage to those who sacrificed everything for this day; to give credit where credit is due.

Instead we post crackpot conspiracy theories and partisan garbage. These Missoulian boards are truly toxic places. Beyond any economic indicator or foreign threat, the attitude of our citizenry as exemplified in this thread is what keeps me up at night. It is the only thing that can truly break this country. If the fissures get wider even after news like this, I'm afraid the fracture isn't too far down the road.

As for myself, I'd like to thank our armed forces for their sacrifices and both presidents Bush and Obama for their perserverance in accomplishing this goal. Unlike some on this board, today I am a proud American and am grateful to live in this country.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Schweitzer will let medical marijuana reform bill become law

royalwulff said on: April 30, 2011, 1:03 am
This legislative session is nothing more than laughable. I cannot believe that these people actually claim to represent the citizens of this state. I have never been so embarrassed for elected officials.

Support MMJ or not, the way this was accomplished was very simply - wrong.

BTW, I generally lean to the right, and vote accordingly. I am a strong supporter of the second amendment. I am a veteran. I am a 4th generation Montanan. I also have a degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience, along with advanced studies in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, human physiology, and human pathophysiology, and the use and abuse of drugs. I work under a medical license from the State of Montana Board of Medical Examiners.

I have the knowledge, education, and experience to state - for a fact - that medical marijuana is an effective tool in managing a number of different medical problems.

Is the current system flawed? Yes. Is SB423 the answer? Absolutely not.

People need to wake up and realize that marijuana is a relatively benign substance that actually has a great deal of medicinal advantages.

By the logic of SB423, we should impose the same laws and restrictions on the bar and restaurant industry to curb the outrageous rate of 5th, 6th, 7th DUI offenders and - oh yeah - one of the highest rates of drunk driving fatalities in the country.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Test module hits wire, cuts power to 1,300 homes

Missoulian story.

Bert said on: April 12, 2011, 6:48 pm
Give me a break. First Conoco hits a rock wall and blocks traffic multiple times over an hour, and now Exxon shuts off power to 1,300 people and blocks traffic in both directions for an hour? If you listen to old Pius Rolheiser, though, as long as "nobody was hurt," the move was a success! Never mind the fact that the whole effort was a failure.

Seems the last time I violated a traffic law, I got a ticket that cost me a chunk of change. How come the rules are different for the world's wealthiest corporation? ITD says: "We don't like to levy fines right from the get-go or flat out deny people permits, but we do ask them to make changes." Someone remind me to tell that to the next police officer who pulls me over. I'm sure that will go over well.

According to Exxon and MDT, we're all just going to have to trust our luck with these megaloads. After all, according to Exxon, "No accidents are possible" - that's why they never made an emergency response plan, they told us at the Missoula public meeting.

The news from last night makes a mockery of the Missoulian's editorial board. "Ridiculous" - that's what they said about concerns related to public safety and our economy.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Big Sky tournament: An end to March Fiscal Madness?

Missoulian story.

RJ said on: March 25, 2011, 9:38 am

As a parent of a student who is enrolled at the UM, I can honestly say that spending this amount to send the mens BB team to Greely for a tournament and a chance to go play in the NCAA bracket is personally far less offensive on a fiscal level than seeing the university/sports systems spend an amount even higher than this to purchase NEW helmets and full uniforms to be worn in one game (think cat/griz 2011)..This was an appalling waste of school system/sports system money in my opinion that seemed to fly under the radar...I'm not a big sports fan and I don't lose sleep when any of the UM sports programs lose games. Yes I enjoy watching from time to time and yes I enjoy seeing the programs win as I feel it is a positive for the U as a whole, but the college is there to educate the kids not create some illusion of the athletes being special royalty of campus and placing them up on a pedistal. I have a hard time believing that buying 20K-30K worth of helmets and uniforms is going to make the kids any smarter?? It didn't seem to make them play any better so I'll let the results speak for themselves...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Montana Senate committee deadlocks on medical marijuana repeal

Missoulian story.

pikeman said on: March 14, 2011, 9:12 pm

All of this has been very interesting. Personally, I thought MMJ was going to be repealed, although Shweitzer may have vetoed it. It's hard to say though. The most interesting thing, is it ended up being a tied vote in the senate, right down to the wire.
It is scary what is going on in this country right now. Why are those of us that are standing up for our rights and what we voted for being called "leftists". and "dopers" even right here in Montana by commenters of the Missoulian?
How can we be "leftists" when we are actually standing up for peoples rights as voters. The Legislature has no right to turn over a popular vote! These Republicans are supposedly for the Constitution, yet they try to turn over a popular vote because, according to Mike Milburn we were "duped" into it. Personally, I think many Montanans were "duped" into voting for Mike Milburn and many of his Republican cronies. This is not just about MMJ either. The Republicans, mainly, are trying to overturn the equality ordinance (which personally I had some things against) and decrimanalization of marijuana in Missoula. The bottom line is these were voter approved. Congess is trying to say that we don't know what's good for us, Big Brother knows best.
Well, I've always considered myself a Moderate, and I voted for Ron Paul in the last election. I am no leftist, and until I see the Rupublicans start voting for our freedoms, instead of their own agenda, I will always vote against them.

Proposed Missoula housing development raises issues on rentals, density

Missoulian story.

IM said on: March 14, 2011, 12:12 pm

I'm from Missoula and I want what's right for the environment as long as it does not disturb my right to drive my Subaru to the Good Food Store to buy overpackaged organic products from mexico.

Column: Schweitzer budget on life support

Missoulian story.

hanoverfist said on: March 14, 2011, 7:35 am

it's a shame that charles s. johnson of the missoulian state bureau in helena can't write an objective article.same old missoulian liberal rant on the bad republicans not listening to the good democratic govner. Maybe charles s. johnson should look into the tax agency authority before he reports on the bad republicans stealing from babies and giving it to the big bad corporations. if our tax collection bureau has the authority to get the big bad tax cheats then why should we waste 6.1 million on more bureaucracy? would that be so the govner can give another distant family member lifelong employment? hey charles s. johnson, how about some actual investigative reporting instead of being a mouthpiece for the govner and democrats?

Anti-abortion group to hold 40-day vigil outside Missoula clinic

Missoulian story.

MTminded said on: March 11, 2011, 8:02 am

daggone says: "Abortion will be banned. A majority of Americans now oppose this legal bloodbath. It will stop."

Abortion may be banned. Doubtful, but perhaps. But abortion will not stop. Abortion will be desired by women and utilized regardless of its legal status. You are accomplishing nothing.

If these folks really wanted to pray for something useful, they should be in Helena attempting to sway our legislators to promote affordable, effective birth control for all women and men, sex education in schools, and social services that are beneficial to children, mothers, and families. Protesting abortion is nothing more than protesting a symptom of a problem ..it accomplishes nothing.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mega-refinery equipment moves through Missoula; protester arrested

Missoulian story.

Sensibility was scarce in this thread.  It is extra unfortunate that any attempt by the "pro oil" side to make a point was stripped of all credibility by some useless quip about hippies and/or medical marijuana.  I don't think anyone is denying our need for oil- especially those that realize this need goes far beyond fuel- most consumer products are currently constructed of petroleum based chemicals.  However, it's not that oil is the ultimate enemy, it's that we need to start replacing it with suitable sustainable replacements whenever  possible and when it makes sense.  We in the USA don't want to be slaves to the major oil producing countries, and we as citizens of the Earth need to be prepared to thrive when the oil ultimately does dry up.   

MTborn&raised said on: March 10, 2011, 4:53 pm

It seems none of the folks on here have kids or grandkids whose futures they are concerned for. There is a finite amount of oil on this planet, it won't last forever. Sooner or later an alternate energy source will be needed. Do we do something about it now or leave the mess for future generations to deal with? Considering how many of you are pro-life, I would think you'd be more concerned about future generations. Guess not.

Andy B. Hammond said on: March 10, 2011, 6:08 pm
I challenge the opponents to put up or shut up. Give up all that you own that has a connection to oil. Give up half even. Show some courage and fortitude and show us that you are serious and credible. Otherwise, go back to your apartment and light up your MM and shut up.

dodson said on: March 10, 2011, 11:32 am

A Comments section filled with the ranting and raving of the lizard brain gallery of apologists for the Oil Cartel-led Corporate Oligarchy. The Overlord flies in from Houston where all of the profits flow out of the State and into the Overlord bonus pockets. Nothing in any of this article or in the commenters addresses the fact that these giant monoliths were constructed and shipped using foreign labor and resources. None of the accounting figures which compared the costs of foreign construction and shipping over U.S. highways compared to building these "necessary" components within the U.S. borders. The same Commenters express their daily hatred for all "government" workers and any private "union" workers within the borders while extolling the virtues of the Oil Cartel "free enterprise" Corporate Oligarchy. As usual, lost in the hatred for our own is the fact that Conoco prefers South Korean labor and materials over any U.S. worker class.
Real Patriots!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Missoula man sentenced for running teen prostitution ring on Craigslist

Missoulian story.

The comment offered below by Hakon Montag is admittedly a little off topic, but I can't resist it. He is referring to the $150/day marijuana habit the convicted pimp enjoys. The stoner math is entertaining, and probably fairly accurate. But, since when did an ounce get so cheap, $150? If thats what Hakon Montag is getting it for, I have a business proposition for him.

Hakon Montag said on: March 9, 2011, 9:40 am

Not very likely that he was smoking an ounce a day by himself. If you factor in the other "members" of the clan, maybe.

One ounce is 28 grams.

A "fatty" joint rolled to be about the size of a regular cigarette weighs 1 gram. (most cigarettes weigh 1 gram)

Most people don't roll fatties. If they roll at all.

Most people do "bong hits" with a single hit bowl, which holds
maybe a 1/4 gram. You can hit it all at once or get more than one hit from a single hit bowl, depending on how hard you toke.

People who roll typically get around 50 joints out of an ounce. Then there are the "generation joints" which are rolled from the butts of the original joints. You can get another joint for every three to four butts, depending on how far down you smoke the originals.

Most smokers like to "stretch" their dollars as far as they can.

So given the above information you can gauge just how much this guy, or these people were supposedly smoking. I tend to think this claim of $150 a day is for the "group" not just one person. As the "leader" of the group he was probably supplying everyone their daily doses from his stash.

As a side note, now everyone knows just how much cigarette smokers use every day also. Since cigarettes are the ONLY consumer product on the market that DO NOT HAVE the weight of the package or the individual cigarettes inside. They weigh 1 gram typically. A pack has Twenty, so 20 grams per pack, almost an OUNCE of tobacco per pack. Pack and a half per day gets you at one ounce.

Far more than the typical marijuana smoker uses.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Confusion swirls around changes to ExxonMobil big rig project

 Missoulian story.

pensar said on: March 3, 2011, 11:32 pm

I wonder who promised these corporations that this was a wonderful route to ship these megaloads. Clearly, they made them in Korea in sizes they had been promised would be easy to bring through ID and MT. (Who coached them and encouraged them? Check ID and MT governors campaign contributers.) Only one load has made it to MT and it has been parked for most of February and now it is March. The next load is close, and truthfully, I don't mind if Billings gets what they need for Connoco Philips. I do totally mind the idea that Canada and Korea convinced USA states of ID and MT that International for profit trade between two foreign countries is required to block USA roads and USA recreation (as well as USA tractor trailer traffic)under the USA commerce clause. That is not trade between the states but between the multinational (non USA) corporations who raise the price of gas when they can find any international crisis (with absolutely no effect upon USA oil stores)upon which to make even bigger record profits . WHen was the last year the USA oil companies did not have record profits? How many has it been? It is pure hype and the tea baggers believe it as they are being used and exploited.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Woman accused of stealing soon-to-be father-in-law's credit card for wedding, other expenses

Billings Gazette story.

chbmontana said on: March 2, 2011, 1:30 am

I'm wondering if this was the plan the whole family had from the beginning? She puts most (if not all) the expenses on the father-in-law's card, he/they figure they'll be required to return whatever can be returned, and the rest will just have to be written off, and that would be that.

Nobody figured that a police report would be required before the credit card company would remove the debt. Now daddy-in-law has no choice...

It certainly makes better sense than, "I didn't look at my bill for the past 4 or more months", hubby claiming no knowledge, and nobody wondering where all the money for the stuff was coming from.

Just a thought.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Black History Month: In 1894, a black pastor stood up for his rights in Missoula

Missoulian story.

missionmouth said on: February 28, 2011, 11:48 am

The posters to this site astound me with their hatred. Where does it come from? Anger at Black History month? Isn't this story equally one about WHITE history? Indeed, it is American history, writ small in our little community, writ large across the nation. The trend folks, like it or not, is to favor human rights over private intolerance.

Given the attempt by our current state officials to ramrod their hateful and ignorant bullying of gays, lesbians and transgendered on our tolerant community, the timing of this story is perfect. Indeed, could anyone have spoken more clearly about the right place for intolerance?

he had no quarrel "if a man finds any comfort in cultivating what he supposes is a race prejudice."

But that man "ought to treat his prejudices just as he would his curs - keep them on his own premises, or muzzle them when he takes them in public."

Yes, folks, speak your mind. That is what the paper is for. But spare us all from the enactment of public hate in the form of bullying laws.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

NEWS ANALYSIS: Montana's GOP legislators gaining national attention

Missoulian story.

Watching said on: February 27, 2011, 10:44 am
Notice that the tea party is always whining about the Constitution "not being followed," as Roger states in this piece, but never do they detail exactly HOW the Constitution is being violated. That's because tea parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends, and at tea parties, no one actually READS the Constitution.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judge: Kalispell liquor store can stay open during dispute over spiked candy

Missoulian story.

cajole said on: February 24, 2011, 11:50 am
Next from the Montana Republican Legislature: ALL HAND SANITIZER WILL BE SEIZED AT THE INFAMOUS IDAHO BORDER!!! No exceptions....true Montanans will use Boraxo in the powdered form....we must all get our hands as clean as Representative Rehberg.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Missoula woman killed, 2 men seriously injured in Brooks Street crash

Missoulian story.

Red Fox said on: February 23, 2011, 3:09 pm

In my opinion, if someone is guilty of DUI, they should never be allowed to legally possess alcohol again in MT. We card people to ensure they are of age, because we have deemed that we can't trust minors to act responsibly with alcohol. People who drive while intoxicated have proven they are unable to act responsibly. We should annotate DUI on offenders driver's licenses (I'd prefer a big red DUI on their forehead, but that is over the top). There is too much at stake to not be harsh with the punishment. Prayers to the family of the deceased and may God have mercy on her soul (and of the perp). Its difficult for me to feel any sympathy toward him. Regards RF.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gov. Schweitzer: 'Nullification' bills in Montana Legislature are 'anti-American'

Missoulian story.

Point taken, chaffincreek, but aren't you forgetting the medical marijuana repeal (HB 161)?

chaffincreek said on: February 22, 2011, 8:16 am

Again lets review the legilature's agenda:

1. Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112)

2. Create fully-armed militia in every town (House Bill 278)

3. Allow legislators to carry weapons in the Capitol (Senate Bill 279)

4. Create an 11 person panel with authority to nullify all federal laws (House Bill 382)

5 Allow guns in schools (House Bill 558)

6. Eliminate educational requirements for persons seeking job of State Superintendent of Schools (HB 154)

7. Lift nuclear ban for purpose of building a nuclear reactor in the Flathead Valley (House Bill 326)

8. Withdraw the United States of America from the United Nations (Senate Joint Resolution 2)

9. Eliminate all state incentives for developing wind power (House Bill 244)

10. Omit Barak Obama’s name from the 2012, ballot because his father was born outside of America (House Bill 205)(this guy was on CNN this week)

11. Compulsory marriage counseling for people seeking a divorce (House Bill 438)

12. Give sheriffs authority over the federal government in terror investigations (Senate Bill 114)

13. Legalize hunting with silencers (House Bill 174)

14. Lift the prohibition on carrying concealed weapons in bars, churches and banks (House Bill 384)

15. Eliminate law that requires landlords to install carbon monoxide detectors (House Bill 354)

16. Require the federal government to prove in court that the National Parks were lawfully aquired. (House Bill 506)

17. Officially designate the “Code of the West” as the “Code of Montana” (Senate Bill 216)

18. Declare that global warming is good. (House Bill 549)

Enough said; this has nothing to do with job creation.