Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ellie Hill resigns as head of Poverello Center

Missoulian story.

realworld said on: July 12, 2011, 12:19 pm

Somebody's over-inflated ego is showing! Such a self-laudatory description can only be providing her own sound bite for future political ambitions. May I say "barf."

This goes a long way towards explaining why the Pov felt entitled to railroad the public with the new location for a homeless facility; and also why there was such arrogance, once the public did get on board with their own valid concerns,as to dismiss those concerns with a "you stopped this, now it's up to you to fix it" attitude. Not "I hear what you're saying--let's work together."

One hopes that under new leadership for the Pov a win-win solution can be found that takes into account that the homeless are not the only individuals to be considered. In fact, however, the homeless may be better served when the head of the facility is paying more attention to the facility than to his or her own political advancement, and when the head of the facility works with the community, not from above it.

People care. People want to help. People want a healthy community.

One hopes those poor tired arms can take a rest, what with continually wielding that lightning rod and sword. But the swelled head has got to hurt.

I mean--seriously?!?!

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