Monday, February 28, 2011

Black History Month: In 1894, a black pastor stood up for his rights in Missoula

Missoulian story.

missionmouth said on: February 28, 2011, 11:48 am

The posters to this site astound me with their hatred. Where does it come from? Anger at Black History month? Isn't this story equally one about WHITE history? Indeed, it is American history, writ small in our little community, writ large across the nation. The trend folks, like it or not, is to favor human rights over private intolerance.

Given the attempt by our current state officials to ramrod their hateful and ignorant bullying of gays, lesbians and transgendered on our tolerant community, the timing of this story is perfect. Indeed, could anyone have spoken more clearly about the right place for intolerance?

he had no quarrel "if a man finds any comfort in cultivating what he supposes is a race prejudice."

But that man "ought to treat his prejudices just as he would his curs - keep them on his own premises, or muzzle them when he takes them in public."

Yes, folks, speak your mind. That is what the paper is for. But spare us all from the enactment of public hate in the form of bullying laws.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

NEWS ANALYSIS: Montana's GOP legislators gaining national attention

Missoulian story.

Watching said on: February 27, 2011, 10:44 am
Notice that the tea party is always whining about the Constitution "not being followed," as Roger states in this piece, but never do they detail exactly HOW the Constitution is being violated. That's because tea parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends, and at tea parties, no one actually READS the Constitution.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judge: Kalispell liquor store can stay open during dispute over spiked candy

Missoulian story.

cajole said on: February 24, 2011, 11:50 am
Next from the Montana Republican Legislature: ALL HAND SANITIZER WILL BE SEIZED AT THE INFAMOUS IDAHO BORDER!!! No exceptions....true Montanans will use Boraxo in the powdered form....we must all get our hands as clean as Representative Rehberg.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Missoula woman killed, 2 men seriously injured in Brooks Street crash

Missoulian story.

Red Fox said on: February 23, 2011, 3:09 pm

In my opinion, if someone is guilty of DUI, they should never be allowed to legally possess alcohol again in MT. We card people to ensure they are of age, because we have deemed that we can't trust minors to act responsibly with alcohol. People who drive while intoxicated have proven they are unable to act responsibly. We should annotate DUI on offenders driver's licenses (I'd prefer a big red DUI on their forehead, but that is over the top). There is too much at stake to not be harsh with the punishment. Prayers to the family of the deceased and may God have mercy on her soul (and of the perp). Its difficult for me to feel any sympathy toward him. Regards RF.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gov. Schweitzer: 'Nullification' bills in Montana Legislature are 'anti-American'

Missoulian story.

Point taken, chaffincreek, but aren't you forgetting the medical marijuana repeal (HB 161)?

chaffincreek said on: February 22, 2011, 8:16 am

Again lets review the legilature's agenda:

1. Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112)

2. Create fully-armed militia in every town (House Bill 278)

3. Allow legislators to carry weapons in the Capitol (Senate Bill 279)

4. Create an 11 person panel with authority to nullify all federal laws (House Bill 382)

5 Allow guns in schools (House Bill 558)

6. Eliminate educational requirements for persons seeking job of State Superintendent of Schools (HB 154)

7. Lift nuclear ban for purpose of building a nuclear reactor in the Flathead Valley (House Bill 326)

8. Withdraw the United States of America from the United Nations (Senate Joint Resolution 2)

9. Eliminate all state incentives for developing wind power (House Bill 244)

10. Omit Barak Obama’s name from the 2012, ballot because his father was born outside of America (House Bill 205)(this guy was on CNN this week)

11. Compulsory marriage counseling for people seeking a divorce (House Bill 438)

12. Give sheriffs authority over the federal government in terror investigations (Senate Bill 114)

13. Legalize hunting with silencers (House Bill 174)

14. Lift the prohibition on carrying concealed weapons in bars, churches and banks (House Bill 384)

15. Eliminate law that requires landlords to install carbon monoxide detectors (House Bill 354)

16. Require the federal government to prove in court that the National Parks were lawfully aquired. (House Bill 506)

17. Officially designate the “Code of the West” as the “Code of Montana” (Senate Bill 216)

18. Declare that global warming is good. (House Bill 549)

Enough said; this has nothing to do with job creation.

Montana House again approves repeal of medical marijuana law

Missoulian story.

If you thought the wolf debate was hot, it doesn't touch the Medical Marijuana issue.  Both sides are worked up into such a tizzy, heads are spinning and explosions are imminent.  The Comment provided by doohan is slightly refreshing amongst all the flecks of brain matter from both sides that have spattered onto the Medical Marijuana Comment boards. I will give it to the pro Marijuana crowd on this story, however, because the Legislature repealing a voter initiative is plain bass-ackwards democracy.  

doohan said on: February 20, 2011, 4:09 pm

The entire idea that there is a crisis here was created by the media and others with a financial interest in keeping marijuana illegal. Law enforcement sees this as a jobs bill for more police, as it's alot easier to bust pot smokers than it is to go after real criminals. Organizations like the Rimrock group thrive on judges sending people with minor drug offenses for rehab, whether they need it or not. The Hi-liners in the legislature are radical right wing religious zealots who believe they know God's will and are intent on making the rest of us live accordingly. Lee enterprises has spent the last year putting the words "medical marijuana" in as many headlines as possible because it sells papers. I travel extensively within the state and haven't seen anyone using marijuana in public. If even half of the MM cardholders in the state don't meet some ill-defined medical criteria for which most people would agree the "deserve" it, why is that a problem for anyone else? I don't use marijuana, but find it bizarre that so many people with no direct involvement with marijuana get so bent out of shape about it. In a society in which we are free to abuse ourselves and kill and maim others through open access to alcohol, what sense does it make to demonize a healthier and safer substance?

House committee approves bill to nullify Missoula's equality ordinance

Missoulian story.

Montana Dems frustration of their perception of rampant GOP hypocrisy is boiling over.  It's obvious to any sensible bystander that the Republican run Montana House is spending a little too much time meddling in social issues and not enough time putting people back to work as promised.  Ms. Ann Thrope went so far as to invoke pop media to pop off some steam (and maybe even used her real name to do so- she aint messing around).


Ms. Ann Thrope said on: February 21, 2011, 5:07 pm
Everything coming out of Helena thus far seems like some kind of sick joke that the entire GOP is in on.

Any moment Aston Kutcher is going to jump out of the woodwork to tell us that "WE'VE BEEN PUNKED".

Monday, February 21, 2011

Schweitzer says Montana will defy feds, kill wolves that prey on elk, livestock

Read the Missoulian story.

Whet your appetite with this little exchange between leopard and BruceH59. Sounds like BruceH59 drank a bit too much of the Kool-aid at the wolf vs elk debate party. This hotly debated issue has become more Montana than Huckleberry jam. 

leopard said on: February 17, 2011, 12:03 pm

You're right. it does make no sense, but you are dealing with right wing extremists who believe that elk only belong to them. They don't even care about elk. They are not wildlife lovers. They only care about killing elk and that is why they want wolves wiped out. It's not because they wanna see elk in the wild. They wanna see elk in the wild and kill them. They are not wildlife lovers, more like wildlife killers. Nothing more than gutless cowards with guns.

BruceH59 said on: February 17, 2011, 3:06 pm

We know who the real cowards the eco nazi wolf lovers hiding behind their fake names and their fake cause. This has nothing to do with wolves but everything to do with closing down hunting. Only a gullible fool would support wolves wiping out 90% of OUR ELK. Enough of the con job so the Eco Nazi can collect 100 millions of their lawyer games suing and collecting the money from the tax payers. This greedy selfish anti American welfare payment needs to stop. Time to use some common sense cull the wolves down to the agreed amount 150 per state and not one more.