Monday, February 21, 2011

Schweitzer says Montana will defy feds, kill wolves that prey on elk, livestock

Read the Missoulian story.

Whet your appetite with this little exchange between leopard and BruceH59. Sounds like BruceH59 drank a bit too much of the Kool-aid at the wolf vs elk debate party. This hotly debated issue has become more Montana than Huckleberry jam. 

leopard said on: February 17, 2011, 12:03 pm

You're right. it does make no sense, but you are dealing with right wing extremists who believe that elk only belong to them. They don't even care about elk. They are not wildlife lovers. They only care about killing elk and that is why they want wolves wiped out. It's not because they wanna see elk in the wild. They wanna see elk in the wild and kill them. They are not wildlife lovers, more like wildlife killers. Nothing more than gutless cowards with guns.

BruceH59 said on: February 17, 2011, 3:06 pm

We know who the real cowards the eco nazi wolf lovers hiding behind their fake names and their fake cause. This has nothing to do with wolves but everything to do with closing down hunting. Only a gullible fool would support wolves wiping out 90% of OUR ELK. Enough of the con job so the Eco Nazi can collect 100 millions of their lawyer games suing and collecting the money from the tax payers. This greedy selfish anti American welfare payment needs to stop. Time to use some common sense cull the wolves down to the agreed amount 150 per state and not one more.

1 comment:

  1. Godwin's Law says that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

    BruceH59 seems to be using Nazis in an inappropriate comparison here. I believe, according to Godwin's Law, that means he just lost the debate.

    To read more about Godwin's Law:

    Why do we love to accuse people of being Nazis? Can it be done so freely (and prolifically) and still carry any meaning?
